
Andrea T Edwards, CSP, The Digital Conversationalist… Change agent, provocateur, passionate communicator and social leader.

Andrea challenges organisations to think differently about integrity in the digital age. To think differently about the positive potential of social media. And she challenges business leaders to understand that, the tool of business transformation today, is the powerful voices of employees as social leaders. Because it is employees who are the champions and true influencers for businesses in the digital age.

When organisations fully embrace this philosophy, social media becomes a catalyst for change. It engages and empowers individuals to serve the communities of their organisation, helps break down unnecessary siloes and hierarchies, while also empowering employees to gain control over careers and destinies.

Social leadership unlocks everyone’s potential, because when you own your voice, you own your future. If you want to create rapid and powerful change in your business, change that will fundamentally shift the way you think and act, change that will attract the best talent, empower your employees and draw customers to you, then speak to Andrea about how a social leadership culture can lead your business to achieve incredible results.
Read More about Andrea.

Andrea Edwards

Andrea T Edwards, CSP, The Digital Conversationalist… change agent, provocateur, passionate communicator and social leader.

Andrea Edwards

Andrea challenges organisations to think differently about integrity in the digital age. To think differently about the positive potential of social media. And she challenges business leaders to understand that, the tool of business transformation today, is the powerful voices of employees as social leaders. Because it is employees who are the champions and true influencers for businesses in the digital age.

When organisations fully embrace this philosophy, social media becomes a catalyst for change. It engages and empowers individuals to serve the communities of their organisation, helps break down unnecessary siloes and hierarchies, while also empowering employees to gain control over careers and destinies.

Social leadership unlocks everyone’s potential, because when you own your voice, you own your future. If you want to create rapid and powerful change in your business, change that will fundamentally shift the way you think and act, change that will attract the best talent, empower your employees and draw customers to you, then speak to Andrea about how a social leadership culture can lead your business to achieve incredible results.
Read More about Andrea.




Learn more about Andrea’s transformational social leadership training and mentoring, which achieves undeniable results with the world’s biggest companies.


If you want to inspire your employees to own their voice, own their future, all while transforming your business through the voice of your people, check it out.


“18 steps to an All-Star LinkedIn Profile” was an Amazon best-seller day one! It’s a beginners guide to LinkedIn, taking you step-by-step to a “Wow” profile + key strategies to set you on the path to social leadership.


Nishan Weerasinghe, CMO, IBM Systems for Cloud
“Andrea is the best Personal Branding and Content Marketing mentor I’ve had the fortune to work with. Wherever she goes, she empowers.”

Kylie Barry, APAC Recruitment Manager, RBS
“I have watched people’s lives completely change from Andrea’s training, as they come out inspired, impassioned and ready to take ownership of their future through the amazing tools we have available to us today on social media.”

David Cook, Global Communications Director, GE
“Andrea understands content and what to do with it better than anyone and her strategic, common sense and realistic approach on all things ‘social’ is a breath of fresh air.”


Nishan Weerasinghe, CMO, IBM Systems for Cloud
“Andrea is the best Personal Branding and Content Marketing mentor I’ve had the fortune to work with. Wherever she goes, she empowers.”

Kylie Barry, APAC Recruitment Manager, RBS
“I have watched people’s lives completely change from Andrea’s training, as they come out inspired, impassioned and ready to take ownership of their future through the amazing tools we have available to us today on social media.”

David Cook, Global Communications Director, GE
“Andrea understands content and what to do with it better than anyone and her strategic, common sense and realistic approach on all things ‘social’ is a breath of fresh air.”


Humanity through Social Leadership with Andrea Edwards And Kevin Cottam

The Good And The Bad Of Social Media with Andrea Edwards And Darren Woolley

Online learning

Want to be a world-class social leader?

Build your opportunities, build your future, build your dreams. Find out why its so important for professionals to have a strong online presence, and find out how to get started. In this series of 26 short videos, I’ll take you through why it’s so important for professionals today to have a strong, online presence, and then we’ll delve into how to get started. Whatever the reason, this, right here, is how you start to make it happen today.

Let's connect


Our mission at The Digital Conversationalist is to empower, inspire and motivate professionals to harness social media to intelligently build dream careers, as well as to take advantage of the content marketing opportunities we all have today. We do this for both professionals and businesses. If you’d like to work with me, please get in touch!

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