As a professional in Social Leadership & Business Development Strategies through employee advocacy, I get featured in quite a number of amazing publications.

Andrea T Edwards, CSP, The Digital Conversationalist, is a change agent, provocateur, passionate communicator and social leader. Andrea challenges organisations to think differently about integrity in the digital age. Read More

As a business professional you have an untapped opportunity to spread your message, attract the right people, advance your career ambitions,  Read More

In my 15+ years of working as an independent professional (dance coach, performing artist, DJ, talent manager, marketing consultant, social media manager, online fitness coach, life coach, personal branding), I’ve been on and off LinkedIn. Read More

As a business professional you have an untapped opportunity to spread your message, attract the right people, advance your career ambitions, and add your voice to the conversations that shape your industry.  Read More

While business leaders may feel that it’s enough to hire social media managers and amend their marketing strategies, Damian Corbet shows why organizations need to do more to succeed in the Social Age–why CEOs need to “get social” to survive. Read More

My research over the last few years has shown that there is a huge gulf in understanding by senior leaders about the implications of the huge changes going on in society – what some are calling the Social Age.  Read More

When women show up, unleash their voices, and share their
wisdom, we make a better world. It’s more diverse and inclusive and better decisions are made.  Read More

Andrea relishes sharing her passion for content marketing, and its ability to fundamentally transform how we do business, with us on today’s session of The Get More Success Show. Read More

When women show up, unleash their voices, and share their wisdom, we make a better world. It’s more diverse and inclusive and better decisions are made. Your voice is powerful and it is time to unleash it. Read More

Delivered for the International Coaching Federation Business Forum in Singapore, November 2018. What a fantastic opportunity coaches have on the digital stage. Own your voice, own your future! Read More

Content marketers are finding themselves caught in a “chicken and egg” situation in that marketers still see the medium as unproven in its value, so refuse to invest more in quality work. Read More

I recently presented at the Asia Professionals Speakers Convention 2018, focusing on how to use social media and digital platforms to build your speaking business and reputation. Read More

When employees struggle to find the information they need to meet their targets and develop their skills, it’s their motivation and happiness as well… Read More

In need of some inspiration and insights to take on your next challenge? Whether you’re looking for career progression or thinking of taking a leap into the entrepreneurial world with your own business,  Read More

For the first ACMA Content Conversations of 2018, we sat down with senior communications executive Penny Shone, who most recently was Managing Director for Global Growth Communications at GE, leading a team responsible for communications in 100+ countries.  Read More

As part of Mumbrella Asia’s ongoing examination of sexual harassment in the region’s media and marketing industry, Phuket-based Digital Conversationalist founder Andrea Edwards shares her own personal experiences. Read More

fter launching her content marketing business over a decade ago, Singapore-based blogger, speaker and consultant Andrea Edwards is known as “The Digital Conversationalist”.  Read More

The director of content marketing and training at Novus Asia, Andrea Edwards, has quit the agency to set up a consultancy focused on raising the quality of content marketing in the region. Read More

A content marketer association has officially relaunched as a professional body in Singapore in a bid to “elevate the art and science of content marketing” in Asia. Read More

The Asia Content Marketing Association (ACMA) has been incorporated as a professional association with the aim to transform content marketing in Asia Pacific. Read More

We are the generation that swears by hashtags. Be it when it comes to using social media for showcasing our views on social matters (for example: #Heforshe) Read More
Ask a content marketer to define good content and you’ll probably get “customer relevance”, “emotional resonance” and “value” in their answer.  Read More
How should you go about getting noticed as a freelancer? Get insights from our Personal Branding expert Andrea Edwards, the Founder and CEO of The Digital Conversationalist Read More
In this guest post that first appeared on LinkedIn, Andrea Edwards argues that it is time for the industry to stop treating content marketing as an add-on to the existing marketing department. Read More
Your Personal brand is you, what you stand for and what you believe in all packed up and presented to the online world. Read More
My greatest concern in 2016 is businesses becoming cynical about content marketing because it does not workRead More
Edwards joins Novus as director of content marketing and training. She was formerly responsible for Microsoft Asia’s industry analyst-relations programme, Read More
It’s definitely been an exciting year for content marketing in Asia in 2015. As an Association focused on it in the region, we have seen a massive transition in B2C,  Read More
In this guest post that first appeared on LinkedIn, Andrea Edwards has nine pieces of advice for how to make content marketing work. Read More

Our mission at The Digital Conversationalist is to empower, inspire and motivate professionals to harness social media to intelligently build dream careers, as well as to take advantage of the content marketing opportunities we all have today. We do this for both professionals and businesses. If you’d like to work with me, please get in touch!

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